PD Credits
The University of Idaho is offering PD credits for educators who attend the conference.
University of Idaho
The University of Idaho is offering Professional Development credit for Fall 2024 IBEA Conference.
Register for CTE 405 (undergraduate) or CTE 505 (if you have a bachelor’s degree or higher).
The courses now appear in the University of Idaho’s PD Class Schedule as:
You can register online and pay online, no paper registration forms are needed.
To register, click on the link above for either CTE 405 (undergrad) or 505 (if you have a bachelor’s degree or higher).
Registration is open now. The last day to register will be Dec. 13, 2024.
The fee is $55 per credit (1 credit for attending/2 credits for attending & reflection paper, syllabus attached)
Please note the following deadlines:
Registration opens Aug. 19, 2024
Semester ends 5/12/2023
Final grades are due by noon on 5/16/23 and posted to student transcripts 7-10 days later.
Final grades are due at noon on Tuesday following the end of the term. Final grades are posted to student transcripts approximately two (2) weeks after the last day of the semester. Information on how to obtain a transcript can be found at https://www.uidaho.edu/registrar/transcripts.
For any questions, please email Carol Billing at cbilling@uidaho.edu .